Internet Browser Style Xdialog Example


Within the Action Scripting Editor, select "Dialog Boxes" and "Display an Xdialog Box".

Within the Action Scripting Editor, select "Dialog Boxes" and "Display an Xdialog Box".

  1. Step one is to specify the variable associated with the browser and the control's dimensions.

    images/XB_ActiveX Browse_1.gif
  2. Step two is to specify how the URL will be specified. You can optionally enable ActiveX events (for which you will have to write custom code).

    images/XB_ActiveX Browse_2.gif
  3. Next, you set the name and scope of the return variable from the underlying UI_DLG_BOX() function.

    images/XB_ActiveX Browse_3.gif
  4. Next, you set the dialog title and other text that might appear on the dialog.

    images/XB_ActiveX Browse_4.gif
  5. The finished product looks like this.

    images/XB_ActiveX Browse_5.gif
  6. The Action entry appears similar to the following image.

    images/XB_ActiveX Browse_6.gif

See Also